Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tee and Pong Interview Mr. Kurt

Today we, Teekayu and Chanin, were just walking around our department in search of a foreigner to interview. We were hounding for foreign blood like wolves until finally we came across Mr. Kurt. Mr. Kurt is from America, he's a medium sized man and well versed in computer systems. Upon meeting him, we just knew he is our man. I mean, who else is it easier to talk to other than our potential professor? So we went ahead, spying on him behind cubicles until he settles down in his office. He didn't know we were watching. He thinks he is safe. He is wrong. 

We sneak up on him like vicious predators and shed first blood with a, "Hi, how are you doing, sir?" He seemed a little surprise, as to be expected. This is all going according to plan. We then begin with the interview.

We talked about how to install three operating systems into one laptop, and his answers took a trip halfway around the world. Mr. Kurt talks about building our own Linux kernel before doing anything else and while we are at that, we should prep all that is necessary for installing other operating systems. This took quite a while. After that , we got down to business and attack him with another dangerous question: how old is he and where did he came from. Mr. Kurt came from the states and is quite old. His reactions, now turned to amusingly dubious. What are we here for? Who sent us? Dang, dang, dang, he's on to us! Before we can managed to sprint for the door, Mr. Kurt, with a ninja-like dexterity, outran us to the knobs and closed it tight. We are trapped, like flies that just flew into the light and reminisce in its last miserable moments how stupid it was. He sits silently and watch. He watches us with those deep, grey eyes, seemingly smiling, but we knew better. This is bad, and we need to get out of here fast. Little did we knew that this is just only the beginning. It's the beginning of a dark and horrible trip to the heart of anxiety that almost tips us over the edge of our sanity. <MUSIC CUE!>

Our throats are running dry as we are at lost for words. Sweats ran through our back forming spots that grew into puddles, and the warm air blowing from the air-con is anything but helping. We stood still in our own cramps as we realized we are embarrassing ourselves in front of our prey. The hunter is now losing its game to the hunted. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a vision flashed before our eyes and it is the story of our lives. Could this be the end? Is this how we go? Shamefully eaten by our own nervousness? Mr. Kurt just smiled. Watching silently from his corner. "So what are you boys doing here?" Mr. Kurt broke the silence. This pierced through our throats, suffocating us as our brains are racing for answers. So deadly... Mr. Kurt just smiled.

We shouldn't have picked him. We should know better. He knew this game, he knew this was coming and knew how to counterattack it with the most cruel of ways. Slowly, and desperately, we open our now rotten mouth from the hydrochloric acid of nervousness boiling in our stomachs and said, "Oh...well... we are just... you know... curious! About... stuff." (°□°)╯ ┻━┻) Slowly, and desperately, we try to carry on conversations about the weather and stuff. Desperately, we try to sound interested as we asked him about what he teaches and he, knowing full well what is going on inside our heads, looked at us with the seriousness that could slice us into twenty pieces easy. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Our friend was outside, waiting to talk to Mr. Kurt.

By Zeus's wrath, we shoots our goodbyes like lightning bolts before picking up our heels like Achilles, the door is our Hector, and ran out of the place, leaving behind a burning trail. We are finally safe, again. Saved by the grace of our friend's curiosity. Every time we walked passed that room, shivers just ran down my spines. With Mr. Kurt glancing up and smiling at us as if to welcome us to another torture session with hopefully no interruptions next time, our spines just broke into pieces, our body became weak and sloppy, and our powers drained in reminder of what had happened in there. In reflection, we have no idea how we survived. But we did and that is what's important. We never heard from our friend again.